Common equivalent weights and measures
Units | Metric Equivalent | US Equivalent |
acre | 0.404 685 64 hectares | 43,560 feet2 |
acre | 4,046.8564 meters2 | 4,840 yards2 |
acre | 0.004 046 856 4 kilometers2 | 0.001 562 5 miles2, statute |
are | 100 meters2 | 119.599 yards2 |
barrel: petroleum, US | 158.987 29 liters | 42 gallons |
barrel: proof spirits, US | 151.416 47 liters | 40 gallons |
barrel: beer, US | 117.347 77 liters | 31 gallons |
bushel | 35.239 07 liters | 4 pecks |
cable | 219.456 meters | 120 fathoms |
chain: surveyor's | 20.116 8 meters | 66 feet |
cord: wood | 3.624 556 meters3 | 128 feet3 |
cup | 0.236 588 2 liters | 8 ounces, liquid (US) |
degrees Celsius: | water boils at 100 degrees C, freezes at 0 degrees C | (US) multiply by 1.8 and add 32 to obtain degrees F |
degrees Fahrenheit: | water boils at 212 degrees F, freezes at 32 degrees F | subtract 32 and divide by 1.8 to obtain degrees C |
dram: avdp. | 1.771 845 2 grams | 0.0625 5 ounces, avdp. |
dram: troy | 3.887 934 6 grams | 0.125 ounces, troy |
dram: liquid, US | 3.696 69 milliliters | 0.125 ounces, liquid |
fathom | 1.828 8 meters | 6 feet |
foot | 30.48 centimeters | 12 inches |
foot | 0.304 8 meters | 0.333 333 3 yards |
foot | 0.000 304 8 kilometers | 0.000 189 39 miles, statute |
foot2 | 929.030 4 centimeters2 | 144 inches2 |
foot2 | 0.092 903 04 meters2 | 0.111 111 1 yards2 |
foot3 | 28.316 846 592 liters | 7.480 519 gallons |
foot3 | 0.028 316 847 meters3 | 1,728 inches3 |
furlong | 201.168 meters | 220 yards |
gallon: liquid, US | 3.785 411 784 liters | 4 quarts, liquid |
gill: US | 118.294 118 milliliters | 4 ounces, liquid |
grain | 64.798 91 milligrams | 0.002 285 71 ounces, advp. |
gram | 1,000 milligrams | 0.035 273 96 ounces, advp. |
hand: height of horse | 10.16 centimeters | 4 inches |
hectare | 10,000 meters2 | 2.471 053 8 acres |
hundredweight: long | 50.802 345 kilograms | 112 pounds, avdp. |
hundredweight: short | 45.359 237 kilograms | 100 pounds, avdp. |
inch | 2.54 centimeters | 0.083 333 33 feet |
inch2 | 6.451 6 centimeters2 | 0.006 944 44 feet2 |
inch3 | 16.387 064 centimeters3 | 0.000 578 7 feet3 |
inch3 | 16.387 064 milliliters | 0.029 761 6 pints, dry |
inch3 | 16.387 064 milliliters | 0.034 632 0 pints, liquid |
kilogram | 0.001 tons, metric | 2.204 623 pounds, avdp. |
kilometer | 1,000 meters | 0.621 371 19 miles, statute |
kilometer2 | 100 hectares | 247.105 38 acres |
kilometer2 | 1,000,000 meters2 | 0.386 102 16 miles2, statute |
knot: 1 nautical mi/hr | 1.852 kilometers/hour | 1.151 statute miles/hour |
league: nautical | 5.559 552 kilometers | 3 miles, nautical |
league: statute | 4.828.032 kilometers | 3 miles, statute |
link: surveyor's | 20.116 8 centimeters | 7.92 inches |
liter | 0.001 meters3 | 61.023 74 inches3 |
liter | 0.1 dekaliter | 0.908 083 quarts, dry |
liter | 1,000 milliliters | 1.056 688 quarts, liquid |
meter | 100 centimeters | 1.093 613 yards |
meter2 | 10,000 centimeters2 | 1.195 990 yards2 |
meter3 | 1,000 liters | 1.307 951 yards3 |
micron | 0.000 001 meter | 0.000 039 4 inches |
mil | 0.025 4 millimeters | 0.001 inch |
mile: nautical | 1.852 kilometers | 1.150 779 4 miles, statute |
mile2, nautical | 3.429 904 kilometers2 | 1.325 miles2, statute |
mile: statute | 1.609 344 kilometers | 5,280 feet or 8 furlongs |
mile2: statute | 258.998 811 hectares | 640 acres or 1 section |
mile2: statute | 2.589 988 11 kilometers2 | 0.755 miles2, nautical |
minim: US | 0.061 611 52 milliliters | 0.002 083 33 ounces, liquid or one-sixtieth of a dram |
ounce: avdp. | 28.349 523 125 grams | 437.5 grains |
ounce: liquid, US | 29.573 53 milliliters | 0.062 5 pints, liquid |
ounce: troy | 31.103 476 8 grams | 480 grains |
pace | 76.2 centimeters | 30 inches |
peck | 8.809 767 5 liters | 8 quarts, dry |
pennyweight | 1.555 173 84 grams | 24 grains |
pint, dry: US | 0.550 610 47 liters | 0.5 quarts, dry |
pint, liquid: US | 0.473 176 473 liters | 0.5 quarts, liquid |
point: typographical | 0.351 459 8 millimeters | 0.013 837 inches |
pound: avdp | 453.592 37 grams | 16 ounces, avdp |
pound: troy | 373.241 721 6 grams | 12 ounces, troy |
quart: dry, US | 1.101 221 liters | 2 pints, dry |
quart: liquid, US | 0.946 352 946 liters | 2 pints, liquid |
quintal | 100 kilograms | 220.462 26 pounds, avdp. |
rod | 5.029 2 meters | 5.5 yards |
scruple | 1.295 978 2 grams | 20 grains |
section: US | 2.589 988 1 kilometers2 | 1 mile2, statute or 640 acres |
span | 22.86 centimeters | 9 inches |
stere | 1 meter3 | 1.307 95 yards3 |
tablespoon | 14.786 76 milliliters | 3 teaspoons |
teaspoon | 4.928 922 milliliters | 0.333 333 tablespoons |
ton: long or deadweight | 1,016.046 909 kilograms | 2,240 pounds, avdp. |
ton: metric | 1,000 kilograms | 2,204.623 pounds, avdp. |
ton: metric | 1,000 kilograms | 32,150.75 ounces, troy |
ton: register | 2.831 684 7 meters3 | 100 feet3 |
ton: short | 907.184 74 kilograms | 2,000 pounds, avdp. |
township: US | 93.239 572 kilometers2 | 36 miles2, statute |
yard | 0.914 4 meters | 3 feet |
yard2 | 0.836 127 36 meters2 | 9 feet2 |
yard3 | 0.764 554 86 meters3 | 27 feet3 |
yard3 | 764.554 857 984 liters | 201.974 gallons |